Note: Generally you set grain intensity for the scene (group), this can be key-framed to make adjustments.

1) The 3 Grain Intensities: Spark, Body, & Base

Spark Intensity - High Frequency (Highlight) Grain. 640 is a good starting point.
Body Intensity - Main part of where the Grain will be. (Look at skin tone areas to dial this in) 300 is a good starting point.
Base Intensity - Largest Grain (Shadows). You expect grain in the shadows, 700 is a good starting point.     



2) Grab a still with just the Grainlabe node enabled

Grab a still with just the Grain Node enabled and label it Grain Node. Command + D toggles on and off Clip Enable.


3) Best Practice Workflow

Select all clips > right-click > add into New Group > call it Grain. Then apply the Grain still in Group Pre-Clip, on the 2nd Node. Noise Reduction can go on the first Node and a LUT on the third Node.




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